Alternative: Rosary and Prayers for Sunday

Prayers Before the Rosary

Sign of the Cross:

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for Daily Neglects

Eternal Father,
I offer You the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
with all its love, all its sufferings and all its merits.

To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and throughout my life.
Glory be…

To purify the good I have done poorly this day and throughout my life.
Glory be…

To supply for the good I ought to have done, and that I have neglected this day and throughout my life.
Glory be…

Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary

My dearest Mother Mary,
behold me, your child,
in prayer at your feet.
Accept this Holy Rosary,
which I offer you in accordance with your requests at Fatima,
as a proof of my tender love for you,
for the intentions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
in atonement for the offenses committed against your Immaculate Heart,
and for this special favour
which I earnestly request in my Rosary:

(State your intention(s) here...)

I beg you to present my petition to your Divine Son.
If you will pray for me,
I cannot be refused.
I know, dearest Mother,
that you want me to seek God’s holy Will concerning my request.
If what I ask for should not be granted,
pray that I may receive that which will be of greater benefit to my soul.

I offer you this spiritual “Bouquet of Roses” because I love you.
I put all my confidence in you,
since your prayers before God are most powerful.
For the greater glory of God
and for the sake of Jesus,
your loving Son,
hear and grant my prayer.

Sweet Heart of Mary,
be my salvation.

The Most Holy Rosary

Sign of the Cross:

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Opening Prayers

Apostle’s Creed:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell; the third day, He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father Almighty;
from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.

Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For an increase in the virtues of faith, hope and charity, we pray:

An Act of Faith (optional)

O my God, I firmly believe
that You are one God in three Divine Persons,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
I believe that Your Divine Son became man and died for our sins,
and that He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches,
because You revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.

Hail Mary…

An Act of Hope (optional)

O my God, relying on Your infinite goodness and promises,
I hope to obtain pardon of my sins,
the help of Your grace, and life everlasting,
through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer.

Hail Mary…

An Act of Charity (optional)

O my God, I love You above all things,
with my whole heart and soul,
because You are all-good and worthy of all love.
I love my neighbor as myself for the love of You.
I forgive all who have injured me,
and I ask pardon of all whom I have injured.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God,
Have mercy on me, a sinner.

Hail Mary…

Glory Be:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

Recite the Mystery:

The Joyful Mysteries
Mondays and Saturdays; also Sundays during Advent, Christmastide and the Epiphany.
The Luminous Mysteries
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Tuesdays and Fridays; also Sundays during Lent.
The Glorious Mysteries
Wednesdays and Sundays, except Sundays during Advent and Lent.

Optionally, pray for the fruits of the Mystery through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

Then, again optionally, read a Scripture passage pertinent to the Mystery for contemplation.

Our Father….

Hail Mary….

(Pray ten times while meditating on the Mystery.
Optionally, include the expansion on the Holy Name of Jesus suggested for that Mystery; i.e., the person praying says “and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus, who (insert expansion). Holy Mary…”. This is based on St. Louis de Montfort's recommended method of praying the Rosary.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Glory Be.

Optional Prayers After Each Decade

Prayer of Fatima

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell,
and lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

Prayer for Eternal Rest

In November and Rosaries for the Dead: The ‘Eternal Rest’ prayer is often prayed in place of the Fatima Prayer during the month of November (especially after dusk on All Saints Day and on All Souls Day) and during Rosaries prayed for the dead, such as at Funeral Vigils. Start by dedicating the prayer.

For our departed loved ones (or state a name), especially for the holy souls in Purgatory, we pray:
Eternal rest grant unto him/her (them), O Lord;
and let perpetual light shine upon him/her (them).
May he/she (they) rest in peace.

Prayer of the Miraculous Medal:

O Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to you,
and for all who do not have recourse to you,
especially for the enemies of the Holy Church,
and for those recommended to you.

The Glorious Mysteries

The First Glorious Mystery – The Resurrection of our Lord

Lord, through the intercession of Mary,
Your most holy Mother,
grant me the grace of a lively faith,
and Your everlasting peace.

When the sabbath was over,
Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James,
and Salome bought spices,
so that they might go and anoint [Jesus].
And very early on the first day of the week,
when the sun had risen,
they went to the tomb.
They had been saying to one another,
“Who will roll away the stone for us
from the entrance to the tomb?”
And suddenly there was a great earthquake;
for an angel of the Lord,
descending from heaven,
came and rolled back the stone
and sat on it.
The angel said to the women,
“Do not be afraid;
I know that you are looking for Jesus
who was crucified.
He is not here;
for he has been raised, as he said.
Come, see the place where he lay.
Then go quickly and tell his disciples,
‘He has been raised from the dead,
and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee;
there you will see him.’”
So they left the tomb quickly
with fear and great joy,
and ran to tell his disciples.
(Mk 16:1-3; Mt 28:2-3a,5-7*,8)

Our Father…

Hail Mary with expansion on the Holy Name of Jesus (10 times):
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy wombJesus
who rose and conquered death and hell.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Glory be…
O my Jesus…
or: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord…
O Mary, conceived without sin…

The Second Glorious Mystery – The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven

Lord, through the intercession of Mary,
Your most exalted Mother,
grant me the grace of a firm hope
and a great longing for Heaven.

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee,
to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.
And Jesus came and said to them,
“All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you.
And remember, I am with you always,
to the end of the age.”
Then he led them out as far as Bethany,
and lifting up his hands, he blessed them.
While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them
and was carried up into heaven.
While they were looking intently at the sky as he was going,
suddenly two men dressed in white garments stood beside them.
They said, “Men of Galilee,
why are you standing there looking at the sky?
This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven
will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.”
(Mt 28:16,18-20; Lk 24:50-51; Acts 1:10-11)

Our Father…

Hail Mary with expansion on the Holy Name of Jesus (10 times):
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy wombJesus
who ascended to heaven to prepare a place for me.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Glory be…
O my Jesus…
or: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord…
O Mary, conceived without sin…

The Third Glorious Mystery – The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Lord, through the intercession of Mary,
Your most gracious Spouse,
grant me the grace of Your gifts and fruits,
the wisdom to know the truth and to share it with everyone.

When the day of Pentecost had come,
they were all together in one place.
Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them,
and a tongue rested on each of them.
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other languages,
as the Spirit gave them ability.
Now there were devout Jews
from every nation under heaven
living in Jerusalem.
Amazed and astonished, they asked,
“Are not all these who are speaking Galileans?
And how is it that … in our own languages
we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.
Peter, standing with the eleven,
raised his voice and addressed them,
“Repent, and be baptized every one of you
in the name of Jesus Christ
so that your sins may be forgiven;
and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
(Acts 2:1,3-5,7-8*, 11)

Our Father…

Hail Mary with expansion on the Holy Name of Jesus (10 times):
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy wombJesus
who has sent me a Consoler, Guide and Helper.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Glory be…
O my Jesus…
or: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord…
O Mary, conceived without sin…

The Fourth Glorious Mystery – The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven

Lord, through the intercession of Mary,
Your most glorious Daughter,
grant me the grace of a happy death when my hour comes
and eternal life hereafter.

All glorious is the king’s daughter as she enters,
her raiment threaded with gold;
In embroidered apparel she is led to the king.
The maids of her train are presented to the king.
They are led in with glad and joyous acclaim;
they enter the palace of the king.

And when they met her,
they all blessed her with one accord
and said to her,
“You are the exaltation of Jerusalem,
you are the great glory of Israel,
you are the great pride of our nation!
May the Almighty Lord bless you forever!”

“O daughter, you are blessed by the Most High God
above all other women on earth;
Your hope will never depart from the hearts
of those who remember the power of God.”
(Ps 45:14-16; Jdt 15:9,10b,13:18a*,19)

Our Father…

Hail Mary with expansion on the Holy Name of Jesus (10 times):
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy wombJesus
who raised you to be with him forever as a promise for all his faithful followers.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Glory be…
O my Jesus…
or: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord…
O Mary, conceived without sin…

The Fifth Glorious Mystery – The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and earth

Lord, through the intercession of Mary,
Your most venerated Mother,
grant me the grace of true devotion to our Lady
and to pray the Rosary everyday as she requested.

A great portent appeared in heaven,
a woman clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet,
and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
She was pregnant
and was crying out in birth pangs,
in the agony of giving birth.
Then another portent appeared in heaven:
a great red dragon,
with seven heads and ten horns,
and seven diadems on his heads.
Then the dragon stood before the woman
who was about to bear a child,
so that he might devour her child
as soon as it was born.
She gave birth to a son, a male child,
destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod.
Her child was caught up to God and his throne.
The woman herself fled into the desert
where she had a place prepared by God.
Then the dragon was angry with the woman,
and went off to make war on the rest of her children,
those who keep the commandments of God
and hold the testimony of Jesus.

But the righteous live forever,
and their reward is with the Lord;
the Most High takes care of them.
Therefore they will receive a glorious crown
and a beautiful diadem from the hand of the Lord,
because with his right hand he will cover them,
and with his arm he will shield them.
(Rv 12:1-4a,5-6a,17; Wis 5:15-16)

Our Father…

Hail Mary with expansion on the Holy Name of Jesus (10 times):
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy wombJesus
who crowned and exalted you, his most faithful disciple.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Glory be…
O my Jesus…
or: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord…
O Mary, conceived without sin…

Aspiration for the Grace of the Mysteries

Grace of the Glorious Mysteries,
come down into our souls
and make them truly holy
and everlastingly happy.

Concluding Prayers

Hail, Holy Queen (Salve Regina):

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy,
Our life, our sweetness, and our hope!
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.
To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us.
And after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary.

V. Pray for us, o Holy Mother of God,
R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
V. Make me worthy to praise you, O holy Virgin.
R. Give me strength against your enemies.
V. Blessed be God in His Saints.
R. Amen.

Let us pray:

O God, whose only begotten Son,
by His life, death and resurrection
has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life.
Grant, we beseech Thee, that while meditating on these Mysteries
of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
we may imitate what they contain
and obtain what they promise,
through the same Christ, our Lord.

[You may replace the word “Filipino” in the following with your family name.]

V. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
R. Keep the Filipino family.
V. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
R. Save the Filipino family.
V. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
R. Bless the Filipino family.

Sign of the Cross:

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Prayers After the Rosary

Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Litany of Loreto)

Lord, have mercy,Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy,Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy,Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us,Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us,Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father in Heaven,have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins,pray for us.
Mother of Christ,pray for us.
Mother of the Church,pray for us.
Mother of mercy,pray for us.
Mother of Divine Grace,pray for us.
Mother of hope,pray for us.
Mother most pure,pray for us.
Mother most chaste,pray for us.
Mother inviolate,pray for us.
Mother undefiled,pray for us.
Mother most amiable,pray for us.
Mother most admirable,pray for us.
Mother of perpetual help,pray for us.
Mother of good counsel,pray for us.
Mother of our Creator,pray for us.
Mother of our savior,pray for us.
Virgin most prudent,pray for us.
Virgin most venerable,pray for us.
Virgin most renowned,pray for us.
Virgin most powerful,pray for us.
Virgin most merciful,pray for us.
Virgin most faithful,pray for us.
Mirror of justice,pray for us.
Seat of wisdom,pray for us.
Cause of our joy,pray for us.
Spiritual vessel,pray for us.
Vessel of honor,pray for us.
Singular vessel of devotion,pray for us.
Mystical rose,pray for us.
Tower of David,pray for us.
Tower of ivory,pray for us.
House of gold,pray for us.
Ark of the Covenant,pray for us.
Gate of Heaven,pray for us.
Morning Star,pray for us.
Health of the sick,pray for us.
Refuge of sinners,pray for us.
Solace of migrants,pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted,pray for us.
Help of Christians,pray for us.
Queen of Angels,pray for us.
Queen of Patriarchs,pray for us.
Queen of Prophets,pray for us.
Queen of Apostles,pray for us.
Queen of Martyrs,pray for us.
Queen of Confessors,pray for us.
Queen of Virgins,pray for us.
Queen of all Saints,pray for us.
Queen conceived without Original Sin,pray for us.
Queen assumed into Heaven,pray for us.
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,pray for us.
Queen of families,pray for us.
Queen of peace,pray for us.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,spare us O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,graciously hear us O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,have mercy on us.

In Ordinary Time:
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
In October, the Rosary month:
V. Pray for us, O Queen of the most holy Rosary.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
During Advent:
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
R. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit.
From Christmas to the Purification:
V. After childbirth you remained a pure Virgin.
R. Intercede for us, O Mother of God.
From Candlemass to Holy Week:
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
During Eastertide:
V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.
R. For the Lord has risen indeed, alleluia.

Let us pray:

In Ordinary Time

[From the day after Pentecost (or from Trinity Sunday, if Pentecost is celebrated with octave) to the beginning of Advent:]

Grant, we beseech you, O Lord God,
that we, your servants, may enjoy
perpetual health of mind and body;
and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin,
may be delivered from present sorrow,
and rejoice in eternal happiness.
Through Christ our Lord.

In October, the Rosary Month

[The Prayer to St. Joseph is often added as a concluding prayer, especially during the month of October (this was recommended by Pope Leo XIII):]

To you, O Blessed Joseph,
we have recourse in our tribulations,
and while imploring the aid of your most holy Spouse,
we confidently invoke your patronage also.
By that love which united you to the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God,
and by the fatherly affection with which you embraced the Infant Jesus,
we humbly beseech you to regard graciously
the inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased with His Blood
and to help us in our necessities, by your powerful intercession.

Protect, O most provident Guardian of the Holy Family,
the chosen children of Jesus Christ;
ward off from us, O most loving Father,
all taint of error and corruption;
graciously assist us from Heaven, O most powerful protector,
in our struggle with the powers of darkness;
and as you once rescued the Child Jesus
from imminent peril to His life,
so now defend the Holy Church of God
from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity.

Shield each one of us with your unceasing patronage that,
imitating your example and supported by your aid,
we may be enabled to live a good life,
die a holy death,
and secure everlasting happiness in Heaven.

During Advent

[From the fourth Sunday before Christmas to Christmas Eve:]

O God, you willed that, at the message of an angel,
your word should take flesh  in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
grant to your suppliant people,
that we, who believe her to be truly the Mother of God,
may be helped by her intercession with you.
Through the same Christ our Lord. .

From Christmas to the Purification

[From Christmas to Candlemass (the Feast of the Presentation), that is through February 1:]

O God, by the fruitful virginity of Blessed Mary,
you bestowed upon the human race  the rewards of eternal salvation; 
grant, we beg you, that we may feel the power of her intercession,
through whom we have been made worthy  to receive the Author of life,
our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.

From Candlemass to the End of the Holy Week

[From Candlemass to Easter (through Holy Week):]

Lord, take away the sins of your people.
may the prayers of Mary the mother of your Son help us,
for alone and unaided
we cannot hope to please you.
fill our hearts with your love,
and as you revealed to us by an angel
the coming of your Son as man,
so lead us through his suffering and death
to the glory of his resurrection,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.

During Eastertide

[From Easter day through Pentecost, and throughout the octave of Pentecost if it is celebrated:]

God our Father, you give joy to the world
by the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through the prayers of his mother, the Virgin Mary,
bring us to the happiness of eternal life.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.

The Miracle Prayer

Lord Jesus, I come before you, just as I am,
I am sorry for my sins,
I repent all of my sins,
please forgive me.
In your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me.
I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works.
I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever,
I invite you into my life, Jesus,
I accept you as my Lord God and Savior.
Heal me, change me,
strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.
Come, Lord Jesus,
cover me with your precious blood,
and fill me with your HOLY SPIRIT,
I shall follow you every day of my life.

Closing Invocations

V. May the divine assistance remain always with us.
R. Amen.
V. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
R. Amen.
V. And may Almighty God bless us: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Sign of the Cross:

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.