Novenas and Intercessory Prayers for Wednesday

Sign of the Cross

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Novena to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit,
You are the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity!
You are the Spirit of truth,
love, and holiness,
proceeding from the Father and the Son,
and equal to Them in all things!
We adore You and love You with all our heart.
Teach us to know and to seek God,
by Whom and for Whom we were created.
Fill our hearts with a holy fear
and a great love of Him.
Give us compunction and patience,
and do not let us fall into sin.

Increase faith, hope, and charity in us
and bring forth in us all the virtues
proper to our state of life.
Help us to grow in the four cardinal virtues,
Your seven gifts,
and Your twelve fruits.

Make us faithful followers of Jesus,
obedient children of the Church,
and a help to our neighbor.
Give us the grace to keep the commandments
and to receive the sacraments worthily.
Raise us to holiness in the state of life
to which You have called us,
and lead us through a happy death to everlasting life.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Grant us also, O Holy Spirit,
Giver of all good gifts,
the special favors for which we ask
if it be for Your honor and glory
and for our well-being to grant them.

(State your requests here...)

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.


Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

O Lord Jesus Christ Who,
before ascending into heaven
did promise to send the Holy Spirit
to finish Your work
in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples,
deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to us
that He may perfect in our souls,
the work of Your grace and Your love.

Grant us the Spirit of Wisdom
that we may despise the perishable things of this world
and aspire only after the things that are eternal;
the Spirit of Understanding
to enlighten our minds
with the light of Your divine truth;
the Spirit of Counsel
that we may ever choose the surest way
of pleasing God and gaining heaven;
the Spirit of Fortitude
that we may bear our cross with You
and that we may overcome with courage
all the obstacles that oppose our salvation;
the Spirit of Knowledge
that we may know God and know ourselves
and grow perfect in the science of the Saints;
the Spirit of Piety
that we may find the service of God sweet and amiable;
and the Spirit of Fear
that we may be filled with a loving reverence towards God
and may dread in any way to displease Him.

Mark us, dear Lord,
with the sign of Your true disciples
and animate us in all things with Your Spirit.


Prayer for the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit,
eternal Love of the Father and the Son,
kindly bestow on us
the fruit of charity,
that we may be united to You by Divine love;
the fruit of joy,
that we may be filled with holy consolation;
the fruit of peace,
that we may enjoy tranquillity of soul;
and the fruit of patience,
that we may endure humbly
everything that may be opposed to our own desires.
Divine Spirit,
please infuse in us
the fruit of kindness,
that we may willingly relieve our neighbour’s necessities;
the fruit of goodness,
that we may be benevolent toward all;
the fruit of forbearance,
that we may not be discouraged by delay
but may persevere in prayer;
the fruit of mildness,
that we may subdue every rising of ill temper,
stifle every murmur,
and repress the susceptibilities of our nature
in all our dealings with our neighbour.
Creator Spirit,
graciously impart to us
the fruit of fidelity,
that we may rely with assured confidence
on the Word of God;
the fruit of modesty,
that we may order our exterior regularly;
and the fruits of abstinence and chastity,
that we may keep our bodies in such holiness
as benefits Your temple,
so that having by Your assistance
preserved our hearts pure on earth,
we may merit in Jesus Christ,
according to the words of the Gospel,
to see God eternally
in the glory of His Kingdom.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Dear Mother of Perpetual Help
from the cross,
Jesus gave you to us for our Mother.
You are the kindest, the most loving of all mothers.
Look tenderly on us your children
as we now ask you to help us
in all our needs especially...

[State your intentions here…]

While you were on earth, dear Mother,
you willingly shared
in the sufferings of your Son.
Strengthened by your faith
and confident in the fatherly love of God,
you accepted the mysterious designs of His Will.
We, too, have our crosses and trials.
Sometimes they almost crush us to the ground.

Dearest Mother, share with us
your abundant faith and confidence in God.
Make us aware that God never ceases to love us;
that He answers all our prayers
in the way that is best for us.
Strengthen our hearts to carry the cross
in the footsteps of your Divine Son.
Help us to realize that
he who shares the cross of Christ
will certainly share His resurrection.

Dearest Mother, as we worry about our own problems
let us not forget the needs of others.
You always love others so much;
help us to do the same.
While praying for our own intentions
and for all the intentions of those praying this Novena,
we earnestly ask you, our Mother,
to help us comfort the sick and the dying,
give hope to the poor and unemployed,
heal the broken-hearted,
lighten the burden of the oppressed,
teach justice to their oppressors
and bring back to God all those who have offended Him.

Dearest Mother, help us to avoid sin
which separates us from our heavenly Father
and from one another.
Full of trust in you,
we place ourselves
under the mantle of your maternal protection
and confidently hope for your powerful help.


Novena to St. Joseph

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
you whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


[Mention your requests here.]

(Say three times…)
St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

We have already implored, blessed Joseph,
the help of our Lady, your sinless spouse.
In our affliction we now turn with confidence to you also,
and beg you earnestly to take us under your protection.

On earth you were one in love
with the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God.
You cherished the child Jesus with a father's affection.
We know, then,
that you will look graciously on our petitions
because we have been purchased at the price of Christ's life.
We are sure you will assist us,
glorious St. Joseph,
by your power and strength.

Because you were the watchful guardian of the Holy Family,
please watch over us,
Christ's chosen offspring.
Like an alert father,
kindly keep far from us
every taint of error or corruption.
From your place of glory on high
come to aid us in our conflict
with the powers of darkness.

When the child Jesus was in peril of His life,
more than once you rescued Him.
So save His holy Church now
from the deceits of her enemies
and from every adversity,
Please shield us now, great St. Joseph,
by your fatherly care.
Help us now to imitate
your example and virtue
so that we may lead a holy life,
die a happy death,
and enjoy your company forever in Heaven.


V. St. Joseph, whom the infant Jesus so much loved,
R. Grant us what we ask.

Assist us, Lord,
by the merits of your foster father, St. Joseph,
spouse of Your most holy Mother.
May his help gain for us what our own efforts cannot.
This we ask through You,
Who lives and reigns with God the Father
in union of the Holy Spirit,
one God, world without end.


Prayer to St. Michael

Saint Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,
by the Divine Power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all other evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

The Universal Prayer

(attributed to Pope Clement Xi)

Lord, we believe in you: increase our faith.
We trust in you: strengthen our trust.
We love you: let us love you more and more.
We are sorry for our sins: deepen our sorrow.

We worship you as our first beginning,
We long for you as our last end,
We praise you as our constant helper,
and call on you as our loving protector.

Guide us by your wisdom,
correct us with your justice,
comfort us with your mercy,
protect us with your power.

We offer you, Lord, our thoughts: to be fixed on you;
Our words: to have you for their theme;
Our actions: to reflect our love for you;
Our sufferings: to be endured for your greater glory.

We want to do what you ask of us:
in the way you ask,
for as long as you ask,
because you ask it.

Lord, enlighten our understanding,
strengthen our will,
purify our hearts,
and make us holy.

Help us to repent of our past sins
and to resist temptation in the future.
Help us to rise above our human weaknesses
and to grow stronger as Christians.

Let us love you, our Lord and our God,
and see ourselves as we really are:
Pilgrims in this world,
Christians called to respect and love
all whose lives we touch,
Those in authority over us
or those under our authority,
our friends and our enemies.

Help us to conquer anger with gentleness,
greed by generosity,
apathy by fervor.
Help us to forget ourselves and reach out toward others.

Make us prudent in planning,
courageous in taking risks.
Make us patient in suffering,
unassuming in prosperity.

Keep us, Lord, attentive at prayer,
temperate in food and drink,
diligent in our work,
firm in our good intentions.

Let our conscience be clear,
our conduct without fault,
our speech blameless,
our life well-ordered.

Put us on guard against our human weaknesses.
Let us cherish your love for us,
keep your law,
and come at last to your salvation.

Teach us to realize that this world is passing,
that our true future is the happiness of heaven,
that life on earth is short,
and the life to come eternal.

Help us to prepare for death
with a proper fear of judgment,
but a greater trust in your goodness.
Lead us safely through death to the endless joy of heaven.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.


Seven Days of Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory: Wednesday

By St. Alphonsus Liguori

O Lord God omnipotent,
we beseech You by the Precious Blood,
which Your divine Son Jesus shed
in the streets of Jerusalem
while He carried on His sacred shoulders
the heavy burden of the Cross,
deliver the souls in purgatory
and especially that one which is the richest
in merits in Your sight, so that,
having soon attained the high price in glory
to which it is destined,
it may praise You triumphantly
and bless You forever.

Blessed Souls, we have prayed for you;
we entreat you, who are so dear to God,
and who are secure of never losing Him,
to pray for us miserable sinners,
who are in danger of being damned,
and of losing God forever.

O God, the author of mercy,
the lover of the salvation of mankind;
we address Your clemency,
in behalf of our relations, friends, and benefactors,
who are departed this life,
that by the intercession of blessed Mary, ever virgin, and of all the saints,
You would receive them into the enjoyment of eternal happiness;
through Christ our Lord.

Sign of the Cross

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.