St. Anthony of Padua Chaplet

About This Chaplet

St. Anthony is the Patron Saint of Lost Items, lost people, lost souls, amputees, elderly people, fishermen, mariners, Travelers, and the Poor and oppressed.

The Chaplet of St. Anthony consists of thirteen sets of three beads, usually attached to this chaplet is a medal of St. Anthony and the Child Jesus. A method of saying the chaplet includes meditating on each of the thirteen petitions of the ‘Miraculous Responsory.’

This powerful and highly indulgenced prayer, sometimes known as the si quideris from the first words of the Latin translation, is generally attributed to St Bonaventure, and is considered to have been composed by him on the occasion of the discovery of the incorrupt tongue of St Anthony. This remarkable discovery was made in the year 1263, when the saint’s relics were transferred to the magnificent basilica that had been built in his honor in Padua. When the tomb was opened it was found that the flesh was crumbled in dust but that the tongue was intact and had the appearance of the tongue of a living man.

Sign of the Cross

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Novena Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua

O Holy St. Anthony,
gentle and powerful in your help,
your love for God and Charity for His creatures,
made you worthy, when on earth,
to possess miraculous powers.

Miracles waited on your word,
which you were always ready to request
Encouraged by this thought,
we implore you to obtain for us…

[Mention your request here…]

The answer to our prayers may require a miracle.
Even so, you are the saint of miracles.
O gentle and loving St. Anthony,
whose heart is ever full of human sympathy,
whisper our petitions into the ears
of the sweet Infant Jesus,
who loved to be folded in your arms,
and for whom you have such a great love,
and the gratitude of our hearts will ever be yours.


Opening Prayer on the Medal

Holy St. Anthony,
you are the consolation of so many people.
We come to invoke your help,
confident of experiencing your goodness and power.
Pray for us to the Father of mercies
that we may obtain the graces we need
for ourselves and for our loved ones.

[Pause for your Personal Petitions]

True follower of St. Francis,
put into our hearts the flame of your love
that we may love our merciful Father in heaven
and our neighbors as ourselves.

Pray that we may fulfill the will of God
and live the way Jesus shows us in the Gospel.
Be a guide for us this day that we may recognize
the opportunities God gives us to be helping and caring.

Assist us in keeping the promises we made at our Baptism.
Help us to obtain the grace to walk in the light of faith
and to proclaim that faith by the way we live.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


On the Circlet

On the thirteen sets of three beads, meditate on the following themes while praying “Our Father…”, “Hail Mary…”, and “Glory Be…”:

  1. St. Anthony, who raised the dead,
    pray for those Christians now in their agony,
    and for our dear departed.

  2. St. Anthony, zealous preacher of the Gospel,
    fortify us against the errors of the enemies of God,
    and pray for the Holy Father and the Church.

  3. St. Anthony, powerful with the Heart of Jesus,
    preserve us from the calamities which threaten us
    on account of our sins.

  4. St. Anthony, who drove away devils,
    make us triumph over their snares.

  5. St. Anthony, lily of heavenly purity,
    purify us from the stains of the soul
    and preserve our bodies from all dangers.

  6. St. Anthony, healer of the sick,
    cure our diseases
    and preserve us in health.

  7. St. Anthony, guide of travelers,
    bring to safe harbor those who are in danger of perishing
    and calm the troubled waves of passion
    which agitate our souls.

  8. St. Anthony, liberator of captives,
    deliver us from the captivity of evil.

  9. St. Anthony, who restores to young and old the use of their limbs,
    obtain for us the perfect use of the senses of our body
    and the faculties of our soul.

  10. St. Anthony, finder of lost things,
    help us to find all that we have lost
    in the spiritual and temporal order.

  11. St. Anthony, protected by Mary,
    avert the dangers which threaten our body and our soul.

  12. St. Anthony, helper of the poor,
    help us in our needs
    and give bread and work to those who ask.

  13. St. Anthony, we thankfully proclaim thy miraculous power,
    and we beseech thee to protect us
    all the days of our life. Amen.

The Miraculous Repository on the Medal:

If thou seek for miracles,
Death, error, all calamities,
The demons fly, and leprosy,
And health succeeds infirmities.
The sea obeys and fetters break,
And lifeless limbs Thou dost restore;
Whilst treasures lost are found again,
When young and old Thine aid implore.

All dangers vanish at thy prayer,
The direst need doth quickly flee.
Let those who know Thy power proclaim,
Let Paduans say these are of Thee.
The sea obeys and fetters break,
And lifeless limbs Thou dost restore;
Whilst treasures lost are found again,
When young and old Thine aid implore.

To Father, Son, may glory be
And Holy Spirit eternally.
The sea obeys and fetters break,
And lifeless limbs Thou dost restore;
Whilst treasures lost are found again,
When young and old Thine aid implore.

V - Pray for us, blessed St. Anthony;
R - That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:

O God, let the votive commendation
of blessed St. Anthony, Thy Confessor,
be a source of joy to Thy Church,
that she may always be fortified
with spiritual assistance,
and may deserve to possess eternal joy.
Through Christ our Lord.

Closing Prayer — Invocation to Saint Anthony:

Dear Saint Anthony, we extend our prayers to you,
confident in your compassionate goodness,
which can listen and console everyone:
be our intercessor before the Lord.

You who led an evangelical life,
help us to live ours
with faith and Christian hope;
you who preached the message of charity,
inspire the whole of humanity
to search for  peace and solidarity;
you who supported, even through miracles,
the suffering and  all those who were facing injustice,
please sustain the poor and the forsaken of this world.

Bless especially our work and our family,
taking away illnesses of body and soul;
make us capable of always remaining close to God,
both in times of joy and sorrow,
with the faith and the love of His children.


Sign of the Cross

In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.